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e-Turist app for iPhone and iPad

4.2 ( 9552 ratings )
Travel Entertainment
Developer: IJS
Current version: 1.1, last update: 8 years ago
First release : 13 Sep 2013
App size: 9.42 Mb

Are you planning a trip in Slovenia, but are not sure what you should see? Then e-Turist is just what you need. The application first asks you where and when you want to go, and what kind of sights you are interested in. It then prepares the perfect itinerary for you, using artificial intelligence to learn your preferences from your ratings of the sights you have seen, as well as ratings of other users with similar tastes. Finally, it guides you on your trip, showing the sights on the map, and providing written and spoken descriptions. Currently included are sights from the Heart of Slovenia region and Slovenian Istria.

e-Turist uses location services. Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

e-Tursit does not share user information with third parties. The data is used for personalised trip recommendations.

Načrtujete izlet po Sloveniji, pa ne veste, kaj si ogledati? Potem je e-Turist rešitev za vas. Aplikacija vas najprej vpraša, kam in kdaj si želite iti ter kakšne reči vas zanimajo. Nato za vas pripravi program ogleda, pri čemer si pomaga z umetno inteligenco, da se na podlagi vaših ocen znamenitosti, ki ste si jih ogledali, in ocen drugih uporabnikov s podobnim okusom, nauči, kaj vam je všeč. In seveda vas vodi na izletu – znamenitosti pokaže na zemljevidu in za vsako postreže s pisnim in govorjenim opisom. Trenutno so vključene znamenitosti območja Srce Slovenije in slovenske Istre.

e-Turist uporablja lokacijske storitve. Neprekinjena uporaba GPS-a v ozadju lahko zmanjša življensko dobo baterije.

e-Turist ne posreduje uporabniških podatkov tretjim osebam. Podatki se uporabljajo za prilagojeno priporočanje izletov.